Saturday, October 15, 2011

gynecomastia surgery before after

The woman afflicted with macromastia presents heavy, enlarged breasts (<500 gm per breast per the Shnur Scale) that sag and cause her chronic pains to the head, neck, shoulders, and back; an over-sized bust also causes her secondary health problems, such as poor blood circulation, impaired breathing (inability to fill the lungs with air); chafing of the skin of the chest and the lower breast (inframammary intertrigo); brassière-strap indentations to the shoulders; and the improper fit of clothes. In the woman afflicted with gigantomastia (<1,000 gm increase per breast), the average breast-volume reduction diminished her over-sized bust by three (3) brassière cup-sizes. The surgical reduction of abnormally enlarged breasts resolves the physical symptoms and the functional limitations that a bodily-disproportionate bust imposes upon a woman; thereby it improves her physical and mental health. Afterwards, the woman's ability to comfortably perform physical activities previously impeded by over-sized breasts improves her emotional health (self-esteem) by reducing anxiety and lessening psychological depression.

The medical history records the woman's age, the number of children she has borne, her breast-feeding practices, plans for pregnancy and nursing of the infant, medication allergies, and tendency to bleeding. Additional to the personal medical information, are her history of tobacco smoking and concomitant diseases, breast-surgery and breast-disease histories, family history of breast cancer, and complaints of neck, back, shoulder pain, breast sensitivity, rashes, infection, and upper extremity numbness.

The abnormal enlargement of the breast tissues to a volume in excess of the normal bust-to-body proportions can be caused either by the over-development of the milk glands or of the adipose tissue, or by a combination of both occurrences of hypertrophy. The resultant breast-volume increases can range from the mild (>300 gm) to the moderate (ca. 300–800 gm) to the severe (<800 gm). Macromastia can be manifested either as a unilateral condition or as a bilateral condition (single-breasted enlargement or double-breasted enlargement) that can occur in combination with sagging, breast ptosis that is determined by the degree to which the nipple has descended below the inframammary fold (IMF).

A reduction mammoplasty to re-size enlarged breasts and to correct breast ptosis resects (cuts and removes) excess tissues (glandular, adipose, skin), over-stretched suspensory ligaments, and transposes the nipple-areola complex (NAC) higher upon the breast hemisphere. At puberty, the breast grows in consequence to the influences of the hormones estrogen and progesterone; as a mammary gland the breast is composed of lobules of glandular tissue, each of which is drained by a lactiferous duct that empties to the nipple. Most of the volume (ca. 90%) and rounded contour of the breasts are conferred by the adipose fat interspersed amongst the lobules — except during pregnancy and lactation, when breast milk constitutes most of the breast volume.

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1 comment:

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